Monday, May 9, 2011

an introduction to us :)

I am a young mother...even though some days I feel differently. I have the most amazing daughter, she is my breath of fresh air, my little side kick, my shopping partner, my partner in crime, the pea to my pod, the sunshine on a rainy day...well you get the point. There aren't enough words to describe who she is to me...she is my saving grace and the reason why I make it through everything with a smile. Life can be rough, we all know that, some more than others, but to each persons struggles they all have something that gets them through everything [to me...she is it!!] I have never felt this much love for anyone, it is out of this world amazing. Our journey together starts here, and starts now...even though we are already 6 months in. She is an amazing child, who I can look at and be sad about how fast she has grown but at the same time I enjoy every day as a new journey. Watching my child grow has really put time into perspective for me...she was so new the first time my brother held her...not even a month old, and soon enough coming back from oceans away he is going to meet the little girl he met almost 7 months earlier who has grown up faster than I could have imagined. If it has taught me anything it has been to cherish time. Before I know it I will be trying to rock my little girl when she turns 13, yes I will be that mom, and I will not take no for an answer.

So six months has flown by....and my not so little infant is fast approaching the less of a baby toddler stage...well we have some time but not enough! :) As I enjoyed my night with my little girl [like I always do...even if its a crabby-I don't know what I want-these toys and you playing with me mom are not what I want-I'm tired but I refuse to sleep sort of night...] I found myself just watching her and asking myself how she has turned into such an amazing child in 6 short months. She loves her "me time" where she plays and doesn't exactly need mommy...which if I might add does make me a little sad and I try to butt in but get rejected... but it all makes up for it when she smushes her face into my shoulder when I pick her up. Her curiosity puts a constant smile on my face, her little hands touch EVERYTHING [my face has a battle wound to prove it] :) I documented a night with Alianna and I so you all can get a glimpse of usually how the tail end of our night goes!

We usually start off by reuniting around 4-4:30pm and no joke I am ALWAYS greeted by that dimpled smile that is so contagious you can't help but smile yourself! If we have nothing to do, or no one to visit that day we will go home...I always tell myself that I will get stuff done when she is playing but a lot of the time I find myself watching her play and trying to play with her if she lets me! :) Let's face it, who wants to pick up a room of things that don't posses as much joy as a child...there is NOT anything fun about refolding clothes from a day of being indecisive about what you wanted to wear. Someday I will learn that if I put it back when I take it out I do not have to deal with it later! [yes mom I know you don't have to say anything! :)] anyways, we play until around 6:45-7, then little miss starts to get hungry. Today, we had some juice for the second time ever! It was in a bottle, and I should have put it in a sippy cup because she is getting the hang of them, but I didn't. After playing hard she had some juice and well.. fell asleep sippin it! After a 45 minute nap snuggled into mommy's blankets she woke up and it was dinner time!

On the menu today... green beans and rice! 
of course followed by some white grape juice and bananas for desert!
maybe not so much of a fan of these.... haha
                                            but with some rice.. this isn't too bad!!
                                                 a little juice chaser :) 
                                             such a happy baby... maybe it was the bananas!
                                              all done momma...ready for bath time!! 
                                           "momma I don't know about yous...." 
love love loveeeeeeee bath time!
Just keep swimming.... 
Momma's little princess... the towel says it all.. Thanks Uncle Mike!!
Ladies & Gentleman... this is PERFECTION! xoxo

So there you have it... a night with us! Of course this doesn't do justice for how its really like or how much fun we really have but you got a peek into our night! This is my angel, my sidekick, my mini me, my absolutely amazing fantastic beautiful PERFECT child! 23 hours of labor and this is what I got.. I'd go through it all over again for her.